One company, one aircraft, one destination

Why it is important for companies to create shared memories

Why do we love what we do?  


The search for the "Why" kept us busy for months. Why do we exist as a company? Why do we work together? Why do we act the way we do? And most importantly, why do we love what we do?  


We discussed all these questions together in an inspiring workshop and defined our company "Why" together.  


However, creating this environment does not happen by itself, and especially not without the participation of every team member - including me.  

To do this, you must know: We are ONE company. We have always focused on the "WE" feeling and you can feel our unique team spirit as soon as you enter our offices.  


Team spirit - in the project and beyond  


At eggs, we want to create an environment in which diversity, creativity, and inventiveness are encouraged. The cooperation and cohesion within our teams can make a significant difference in the success or failure of our projects. In recent years, we have seen the importance of face-to-face encounters and the positive dynamics that can arise from them.  


Creating team spirit through the "eggs Spirit,

this includes:

- Mutual trust  

- Harmonious atmosphere  

- Strong cohesion  

- Enthusiasm for the work  

- Healthy meeting culture  

- Transparent and open communication  

- Adherence to the "rules of the game  

- Equal understanding of roles  

- Constructive criticism  

- Self-organisation  

- Celebrating successes together!  

Talking about celebrating successes together. Actually, the joint trip was planned three years ago - for the 15th company anniversary - but Corona got in the way.  

In mid-October 2023, we were finally able to make up for the event and so 155 colleagues flew to Cyprus on Thursday morning to celebrate what we can all be proud of - great togetherness and outstanding successes.  


The trip program provided the framework for shared memories.  

We were looked after by a local tour operator who had put together a varied schedule for us for the four days on-site. This kept us entertained, we enjoyed the company, and we were in constant exchange.  


Creating unforgettable experiences  

Some of us find it memorable to receive enthusiastic applause for the success of our teams. For others, it's the moment of enjoying an iced drink at the railing of an XXL catamaran. The sports enthusiasts among us love the moment of Zumba, yoga on the beach, or a morning jog. Still, others are simply happy to learn something about the country and its people on a sightseeing tour. Therefore, the program was like us. VERSATILE.  


Anamaria Moga - QA


Florin Muresan - QA


Laura Gocan - QA


Patricia Iounas - Senior HR Generalist 


Mark Bledea - QA

Presenting and celebrating success stories  


  Enjoy culinary highlights


Sightseeing and getting to know the country and its people  


Beautiful moments on the beach and in the sea  


Catamaran tour: party, sunbathe, swim  


Jogging, yoga, and Zumba  


And in the evening: clubbing and beach bar  


Can you buy cohesion?  

Team spirit is created by many factors, and I am infinitely grateful for the great eggs team that we have built together over the past 18 years. I value every single one of our colleagues and would not want to miss any of them. We all know how challenging (and expensive) it is to find qualified employees these days. Losing one of your own team members to another employer is a tough loss. Events like this create shared memories, foster bonding, and cohesion within the team, and are simply priceless.  


What can the team take away?  

We are unique. We are us. We are a team. We can rely on each other. I heard these and other phrases again and again during my stay.  


What can I take away as managing director?  

Michael Deiss: Our company now consists of a large number of different characters who differ greatly from each other in their characteristics. From quiet and reserved too loud and extroverted. Diversity and equality are very important to us. Each of our egg experts is unique and valued just the way he or she is.  


What makes me particularly happy is the tangible bond between everyone and our company, which cannot be taken for granted. My vision of creating a corporate culture in which together we achieve the best results for our customers and for eggs unimedia has proven itself.  

During our four days in Cyprus, I became aware that barriers are disappearing with us. People who previously had few points of contact spend time together, new colleagues are warmly welcomed, and groupings hardly ever form.  


I'm happy that I can rely on my team, and I hope that this special trip was an opportunity to give something back. I founded this company 18 years ago with the goal of having fun at work. There were five of us then. Having fun at work is a driver for great things such as motivation, willingness to help, reliability, and much more. These values are still deeply anchored in our corporate culture, even now that we have almost 200 people who carry this DNA.  


What can I take away as a managing director in Romania?  

Malina Sabau: eggs unimedia Romania is a much younger organization compared with the one in Munchen and it makes me extremely happy to see how much our colleagues from Germany have been helping since the beginning and they always appreciated our work in Cluj. It’s always an exchange between the 2 locations and having all the teams together just highlights how much they care for each other and how much they enjoy spending time together.  

All the informal occasions: mornings at breakfast, volley in the sea, parties on the beach, and other common activities brought us closer together even so far away from our base locations.   


If before this trip we thought about eggs Munchen as our bigger brother, now we feel like twins, always up to exchange information, hobbies, and thoughts and happy to be working together.   


Eggs' human-centered culture is catching, from my first work-related interaction with Mike I knew that was the kind of leadership I was aspiring to, what he promoted in the company soon also became my DNA. Our trip was only one form of many to show people how much we care about them and that we truly value close collaboration because it’s part of the team's success and therefore product success for our customers.